Publication details

Pes bez psa aneb zajímavosti vývoje českého hláskosloví

Title in English Pes bez psa or interesting developments in Czech phonology


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Přednášky a besedy ze L. ročníku LŠSS
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Indo-European languages; Slavonic studies; language development; speech changes
Description The text represents the development of the language from Praidoeuropean to Praslovan until the split of Slavic languages into southern, western and eastern groups. It focuses on the Slavic language and the systematic comparison of Slavic languages among themselves. Results, the functionality of which has been verified by many years of research, are used for further understanding of Czech and their dialects. Based on this systematic comparison of developmental changes in various Slavic languages, it is possible to better access the teaching of the Czech language, both for Czech native speakers and for students with a different mother tongue. Presented summaries in this new form will help to further understand and understand Slavonic languages and their development, and thus to understand the structure of contemporary Czech language.

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