Publication details

Hodnocení rizikovosti území obce pro případ přívalové povodně

Title in English Community area risk assessment for flash flood


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XX. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách - Sborník příspěvků
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Security and health protection, human - machine
Keywords flash flood, local development, risk assessment, planning documentation
Description The flash floods forecasting is struggling mainly with extraordinary irregularities in origin of causal precipitations. They only in conjunction with the territory water saturation caused by antecedent precipitations start effect of other local factors that can consequences of short-term extreme precipitation either worsen or mitigate vice versa. Other community area features represent a permanent potential for an adequate territory response after heavy rains. According to current knowledge, it is possible to assess the flash floods hazard of a particular territory in case of extreme precipitation in advance. If such precipitations already are on the ground, or if they are just coming up in the atmosphere, the local flood control headquarters has at least time enough to call alarm and issue a flood warning. In the ideal case, it is possible to incorporate such area assessment into the concept of decision-making of the disaster staff and to insert it into the master plan documentation.

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