Publication details

Trestná součinnost botnetmastera v souvislosti s poskytnutím botnetu k phishingovému útoku

Title in English Botnetmaster's criminal cooperation in connection with the provision of a botnet to a phishing attack


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Repozitář MU
Field Law sciences
Keywords botnet; phishing; botnetmaster; criminal cooperation
Attached files
Description A botnet, a network of infected computers controlled by the originator of malware, is behind a high amount of threats to cybersecurity. It is logical that the legal science must react to this new security phenomenon, especially by deconstructing longtime criminal law institutes. This article deals with the criminal liability of botnet masters for the phishing attack committed by a third person with the help of a botnet.
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