Publication details

Zákaz zpětvzetí žaloby podle nového § 96 odst. 6 OSŘ

Title in English Ban on withdrawal of the claim under the new § 96 para. 6 of the CPC


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Repozitář MU
Field Law sciences
Keywords Withdrawal of the action; civil procedure
Attached files
Description The latest amendment to the Civil Procedure Code was introduced to § 96 new paragraph 6, which makes it impossible for the applicant to take to bring the action back if the final judgment on which which has already been filled, has been annulled by the Supreme Court. Despite good intentions, this rule does not come true any change for the better; only restricts both procedural parties and forcing them to bring the proceedings to the merit end, even if they were no longer interested in it. The new rule not only the misunderstanding of the relationship is reflected tangible and procedural law, but also incompetence to identify the problem where it really is.

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