Publication details

Solidarita otrasených v dobe ekologickej krízy

Title in English The Solidarity of the Shaken in Times of Ecological Crisis

LESŇÁK Slavomír

Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The article analyses the ethical ideal of Jan Patočka. The author examines what solidarity possibilities the shaken have as moral subjects in times of ecological crisis. It considers the forms of solidarity and the way the shaken can get involved in the current world. The author of the article challenges Patočka’s demands on moral subjects as combatants and ascetics, and confronts Patočka’s views with selected contemporary authors. He compares the possibilities of Patočka’s ideal with the ideal of Bey’s temporary autonomous zone. He confronts the impacts of being shaken at the front with the feelings of the ecological crisis. He defines the moral model of the western, modern, resigned, subject based on the studies by G. Lipovetsky, and compares it with the behavioural models provided by the others analysed authors. The author of the article examines whether his moral model is similar to the Patočka’s ideal of great Czechness. The author comes to the conclusion that Patočka's solidarity of the shaken is going to be more actual with the approach of an ecological disaster.

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