Publication details

Svévole zákonodárce aneb kdy vzniká neústavnost zákona?

Title in English The Arbitrariness of Lawmaker or when the Unconstitutionality of the Law Origines?


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Repozitář MU
Keywords Arbitrariness; Legislator; Legislation; Legal Statute; Constitutional Court; Constitutional Review; Abolition of the Law; Unconstitutionality; Protounconstitutionality.
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Description The Constitutional Court uses the term „arbitrary legislator“ while abolishing certain legal statutes. This term designates a specific mistake that the legislator made during the creation of the statute. How the arbitrariness affects such legal statute? If the effect is that the statute is unconstitutional since the very beginning of its existence, why the abolition of the statute does not take effect ex tunc but rather ex nunc? And if the legal statute is not unconstitutional since the very beginning of its existence, when and why the unconstitutionality origins?

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