Publication details

Teoretická východiska pro ověřování dovednosti práce s textem u romských žáků na 1. stupni ZŠ

Title in English Theoretical way out of the research of the Romany pupils’ ability of analysing the text in the elementary school


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference IX. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Romany pupil; education; educational determinants; social exclusion; social and cultural determinants; special characteristic of the Romany pupil; concept of the contemporary Czech educational system
Description The article presents theoretical way out of the research of the Romany pupils’ at elementary school and their ability of the text analysis and reading comprehension. The research was realised in some elementary schools in Brno and the results of it were presented at the students’ conference in 2016 and in the journal Komenský in 2017. The information on the Romany people living in Czech Republic, the view of the education and of the value of education in the Romany family are presented, too. The author tries to explain the factors that impact the childhood in the Romany community and the Romany pupils living in the excluded place. That factors impact the development of those pupils, e.g. the development of their abilities that the pupils need for analysing the text and understanding it.
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