Publication details

Literarische Texte als Gelegenheit zum interkulturellem Lernen und ihre Rolle in den Lehrbüchern im Fremdsprachenunterricht

Title in English Literary Texts as an Opportunity to Intercultural Learning and Its Role in the Teachers in Foreign Language Teaching


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Research in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning / Fremdsprachenlehr- und Fremdsprachenlernforschung
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords textbooks; texts; authentic texts; literary texts; intercultural aspects of literature
Description In the following text the term of the textbook as well as the characteristics of authentic and didactic texts were explained whereby the emphasis was put on the literary texts and their potential use in language teaching. The text mentions an analysis of two B1 textbooks for adolescents and adult learners. The analysis showed that literary texts form 18-20% of all the texts in the textbooks.
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