Publication details

Rodinné právo de lege ferenda - úvaha nad proměnami rodiny, rodinného života a zejména statusových práv rodinných

Title in English Family Law de lege ferenda - Contemplations on changes of family, family life and mainly on status family rights


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Košické dni súkromného práva II
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords family - family life - changes - family law - case law of the ECHR - case law of constitutional courts - academic initiatives
Attached files
Description The pattern of family and family life has changed over the years and there are still new changes. National legislators and constitutional courts face many dilemmas. To what extent do we need to respect traditional values, culture, concepts represented by civil codes from the beginning of the nineteenth century, public order? The Czech Republic does not stand outside the above phenomena. In connection with the European or the global development, migration, globalization, the effects of international treaties or the case law of the European Court of Human Rights or academic initiatives, the penetration of foreign institutes into national legal systems through the recognition of foreign public documents or decisions, Czech family law changes. Recently, it was recodified under the new Civil Code. In this context, a number of questions arise, in particular, whether the Czech family law reflects European tendencies and whether any other changes should be contemplated. Particular attention is focused on the status rights and on the rights of the child.

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