Publication details

Authenticity in tourism: A practical issue coming from the ontological frame



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Topical Issues Of Tourism: “AUTHENTICITY IN THE CONTEXT OF TOURISM“
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Keywords authentic tourism; inauthentic modes; phenomenology; types of motivation
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Description The phenomenon of tourism presents a complicated construct. This fact can become clearer if we try to interconnect two distinctive topics – tourism and authenticity. The everyday meaning of authenticity is too reduced to be applied in a more sophisticated study. The philosophical approach presents authenticity as a more complex and complicated term, in the conception that has been followed within existentialism, phenomenology and fundamental ontology (especially by Martin Heidegger). This paper deals with the possibilities how to interconnect some very practical problems based on different forms of tourism with the ontological (and abstract) understanding of authenticity. The methodological instruments are argued in a form of categorization of motivation for traveling. Thus, the authentic and inauthentic modes of being can be examined via specific aspects of motivation. In conclusion, authenticity is presented as a concept which cannot deny its ontological sources, but it can be followed via specific examples put in the settings of tourism.

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