Publication details

Digitalizace antitrustu - móda, nebo revoluce?

Title in English Antitrust Digitization - Fashion or Revolution?


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Antitrust
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Keywords Big Data; Multisided Plarforms;Price Algorithms; Price Discrimination; Regulation adn Deregulation
Attached files
Description New technologies inherently have been changing both current markets and social relationships. It stands for ongoing digitalization similarly to past introduction and development of railway grids, electricity power, computers and likewise. Antitrust law should not stiffle them but rather to care about workable competition in favour of consumer welfare standard. The scope of this standard is a fundamental political issue, namely whether consumer protection falls within this standard. It is argued for a case-by case approach based on rule-of-reason that is more appropriate than classical and rigid antitrust toolbox.

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