Publication details

Posouzení vlivu intervence na přesnost řečové produkce pokročilých studentů angličtiny

Title in English Evaluating the Impact of Intervention on the Accuracy of Production in Advanced Students of English


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation KALOVÁ, Simona. Posouzení vlivu intervence na přesnost řečové produkce pokročilých studentů angličtiny (Evaluating the Impact of Intervention on the Accuracy of Production in Advanced Students of English). In Konference AKTEV 2018. 2018.
Description The aim of this study, which is a part of a broader research project, was to evaluate the impact of a focused intervention on increasing the accuracy of language production in advanced students of English, level C1 CEFRR. These students manifest a relatively high occurrence of errors caused by L1 interference and fossilization. Accuracy of performance was tested in 3 groups of advanced students majoring in English. The research tools adopted were grammaticality judgement test and certainty based marking. The results were analysed and interpreted and recommendations for further research were outlined, namely the need to investigate written and spoken production of advanced students. A detailed analysis might provide a more complex picture of the accuracy of advanced learners´ language production.
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