Publication details

The Theme of Religion in School Environment, Discussion with Teachers and Students


GULOVÁ Lenka TRAPL František

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Czech-polisch historical and pedagogical journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords School; culture of recognition; spirituality; teacher; disciple; religion; education; individual questions; values research; qualitative analysis; open coding
Description This article deals with the topic of school and religion, it opens a discussion on the presence of spirituality in the school environment and brings an analysis of a survey research. The research was aimed at the area of values, culture and religion in the school environment. The problem was explored through qualitative research strategy. The respondent group consisted of teachers and students who are familiar with the topic of values and spirituality in the school environment. Thus, the group of respondents is selected purposefully and a grounded theory a qualitative research method was chosen. Data gathering was done by focus group discussions (four focus groups) which were transcribed and analyzed by open coding. At the beginning of the analysis it was necessary to establish individual terms that emerged from the discussion. Also, a certain reflection has been made about those terms, how are they viewed and what is “behind them”. The goal of the survey was to acquire statements from teachers and students about the situation in the school environment regarding the topic of values and spirituality as a part of the culture of recognition in the school environment. Respecting the presence of a religious aspect in the school culture encourages the school which is open to plurality and considerate to people. It is a school which respects the individual and grants him basic dignity regardless of his or her achievements. It searches new forms of engagement regarding various cultural and religious traditions. It serves as a space for ideals and it is ready to step out of its own shadow. This survey opened a plethora of questions which every teacher should ask himself regardless of his own convictions, faith or attitude.
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