Publication details

Evoluce trestného činu zneužití pravomoci úřední osoby

Title in English Evolution of crime Abuse of Pubic Authority

SKUPIN Zdeněk Jiří

Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description This paper deals with an evolution of the crime consisting of abusing official authority which is established in § 329 of the penal code. Main attention is given to the comparison of the changes within the merits of the crime within certain period of time, concretely since Em-peror‘s patent no. 117/1852 e. c. to present day. Evolution of the abusing official authority (abusing public authority, violation of duty of public official, about wrong use of official au-thority) is also evaluated by higher court decisions. Special attention is given to the persons who perform public authority. Main goal of the paper is to evaluate and analyse of the evolu-tion of the crime for purposes of understanding historical contexts of present form of the crime

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