Publication details

Sokol Brno I – mateřská jednota elitních československých gymnastů

Title in English Sokol Brno I – the parent union of the elite of Czechoslovak gymnasts


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Keywords Sokol; Brno; Sport; Czechoslovak gymnasts; Olympic Games
Description The text focuses on the initial period of existence of the oldest physical education union in Moravia and successes of its members on the Olympics scene. It summarises the results and presents short profiles of personalities of elite gymnasts of Sokol Brno I during its best period, but also remembers the founders of the union and important instructors of these gymnasts. During the period between the wars 1920-1938, the Brno gymnasts Ladislav Vácha, Bedřich Šupčík, Alois Hudec, Jan Gajdoš and Emanuel Löffler, ranked among the world’s best and their exceptional performances are inscribed in the history of Czech and world sports.

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