Publication details

Movement, Images and Iconic Presence in the Medieval World



Year of publication 2019
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description What can we therefore say about the concept of “iconic presence” transformed by movement? First of all, we insist on the much wider conception of the notion of “iconic”. It cannot be understood only within the frame of the Greek origin of the term, hence only encompassing all the media. It deems necessary to incorporate also performative qualities to “iconic”. The anthropomorphic image, mental image and the image formed by rituals partake in making present what is absent, alive what lies dead (in the case of relics). Considering landscapes, the presence (angelic, paradisiacal, saintly, etc.) manifests itself, among others, through lights, sounds and silhouettes on the horizon. All the senses are activated, in any case, to participate in an Epiphany of the beloved saint, the Epiphany which would be impossible without movement. The very notion of “presence” thus becomes more widespread and, in some cases, even more sequential.
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