Publication details

Principy a dilemata informační etiky : svoboda slova, právo na informace a cenzura v kontextu problému dezinformace

Title in English Principles and dilemmas of information ethics : freedom of speech, right to information and censorship in the context of disinformation


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ProInflow
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords information ethics; principles; dilemmas; information; disinformation; freedom of speech; right to information; censorship
Description The aim of the study is to identify principles of information ethics formulated in philosophy and information science; to explore the concept of disinformation and its role in the principles of information ethics; to distinguish the different areas of information ethics according to a uniform criterion; describe them in a comprehensive way, identify possible dilemmas and determine the role of disinformation in these dilemmas; to apply the principles of information ethics to addressing basic dilemmas of information ethics.
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