Publication details

Sídliště kultury s lineární keramikou Velehrad - Na Nivách v kontextu neolitického osídlení středního Pomoraví

Title in English The Linear Pottery culture settlement of Velehrad - Na Nivách in the context of Neolithic occupation of the Middle Morava River valley


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Keywords Moravia, Neolithic, rescue excavation, chronology
Description During a rescue excavation in Velehrad (Uherské Hradiště District) a so-far unknown settlement of the Linear Pottery culture was discovered. The site spreads across a gentle loess slope oriented towards the south or southwest. The altitude of the ground ranges from 220 to 225 m above sea level. The nearest water source is the Salaška Brook located about 200 m southwest of the newly discovered settlement ( Fig. 1 ). In addition to the remains of a cultural layer identi?ed across an area of 120 m 2 , construction work also dis- turbed 6 sunken features. The character of the terrain in combination with diminishing of the cultural layer and of the features sunken into the bedrock indicate that the southern edge of a settlement area of unknown size was excavated. Stratigraphy distinctly shows that the site had been overlaid with slope sediments with a thickness of up to 1 m. Despite the fact that the excavation was limited both in its scope and time-frame, it was possible to recover a qualitatively and quantitatively representative assemblage of archaeological material. The site can be dated to the late stage of the Linear Pottery culture according to currently valid relative chronology ( Tichý 1962 ; Čižmář 1998 ) based on analysis of ceramic materials. We suppose a continuous develop - ment of settlement within the identi?ed residential area throughout the whole late stage of the LBK, from phase IIa to IIc, or possibly just until the late LBK ceramic material (phase IIb) in?uenced by the Želiezovce decorative style. The site can also be anchored within the framework of absolute chronology. A charcoal sample was taken from the base of feature 500 and sent to the radiochronological laboratory at Université Laval in Canada. The measurement (ULA-6677) provided a date of 6255 ± 20 BP, which, after calibration in the OxCal programme v4.2.4 with the use of the IntCal13 calibration set ( Reimer et al. 2013 ) corresponds to the time period 5301–5214 (calBC) with the standard deviation of 1 sigma. The newly discovered settlement con?rms the assumption that the period of most intensive Neolithic set- tlement in Middle Morava River valley (late stage of the LBK) enabled the colonization of more elevated and hilly foothills of the Chřiby mountains linked to small right-bank tributaries of the Morava River.

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