Publication details

Altaic lexical parallels and mediation in Xinjiang

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Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of The 14th Seoul International Altaistic Conference. Grammars of Altaic languages. 21-24 July, 2019, Chonbuk National University. Seoul: The Altaic Society of Korea.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Mongolian; Old Turkic; Indo-European; Chinese; Tibetan; calendar systems
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Description The paper focuses on cultural words, mythological animals and calendar systems. Firstly the history of international relations is briefly mentioned and followed by analyses of various lexical parallels in Sino-Tibetan, Indo-European and Altaic languages especially in case of twelve zodiac animals. Besides comparison to the counting of months in nomadic colder areas, the paper shows that Altaic research can inspire and contribute to the study of contact languages from other language families.
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