Publication details

Dotčené orgány a ochrana veřejných zájmů ve stavebním právu a jejich vliv na délku řízení vedených dle stavebního zákona

Title in English Authorities concerned and protection of public interests in building law and their influence on the length of proceedings conducted under the Building Act


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Repozitář MU
Keywords the administrative authority concerned - a binding opinion
Attached files
Description The paper is devoted to the current and publicized issue of protection of public interests, which is provided by the concerned authorities. There is a long-term criticism of the lengthy procedures for building permits following the multiplicity of authorities involved and the public interests that need to be protected. The paper focuses on the position of the concerned authorities in proceedings under the Building Act, the forms of administrative acts issued by these authorities and their influence on the length of the process of building permits.

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