Publication details

Apple vs. FBI : etická dimenze kryptografie

Title in English Apple vs. FBI : Ethical Dimension of Cryptography


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source JOINME : Journal of Interactive Media
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Apple; deontology; ethics; FBI; cryptography; encryption; terrorism; utilitarianism
Description The following text is aimed at the ethical dimension of strong cryptography. It is outlined through description and analysis of dispute which was taking place between Apple and FBI in 2016. In explaining this case is conceptualized utilitaristic and deontological approach that conflicted with each other. Against deontology is presented counter-argument coming from the theory of cultural lag. In addition to that, the study is also focused on the description of a historical parallel of the dispute which may be used for its evaluation.
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