Publication details

Metakognitivní charakteristika intelektově mimořádně nadaných dětí

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Title in English Metacognitive characteristics of exceptionally intellectually gifted children


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords metacognition; giftedness; intelligence; development; expertise
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Description The article presents an overview of important knowledge regarding metacognition and its relation to exceptional giftedness. Basic aspects of metacognition are defined and briefly described in accordance with the historical development and current notions of this construct. The following text deals with how much gifted children differ from typical population in particular aspects of metacognition (declarative, procedural, etc.). Part of the article is dedicated to a concise delimitation of exceptional giftedness, mainly in view of the shift in expert opinions concerning the nature of this construct: from the classic Terman´s conception, in which giftedness was defined solely as based on exceptional results in standardized IQ tests, to more modern approaches, which take into account also other cognitive achievements, and to a certain extent even non-intellectual factors such as motivation or creativity. The next part of the study therefore focuses on the significance of metacognition for giftedness viewed as “developing expertise”, which is the conception associated mainly with R. Sternberg. Finally, there is an outline of some implications for assessment and for psycho-educational practice.
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