Publication details

Naděje a limity využití asistenčních robotů pro podporu aktivního stárnutí : předběžné výsledky projektu HUMR

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Title in English Hopes for and limits of the use of assistive robots to support active aging : preliminary results of the HUMR project


Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description Robots, as a possible solution to the expected crisis of ensuring social and health care for an aging population, have been a relatively long-discussed topic with a significant ethical overlap. So far, however, we have little information about the extent to which seniors and seniors live behind the digital divide, and how this eventually affects the possibilities of using robotics to provide care. The project HUMR (Using a humanoid robot to support active aging of seniors and senior citizens of the Czech Republic TL02000362) attempts to map the possibilities of bridging identified problems through concentration on early intervention, through support of active aging and its redefinition by involving the game, and key gender overlap. The paper will present the initial concepts of the project and its first results, and will further discuss possible overlaps into the issue of care and assistance services.
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