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Vzpomínky na vývoj katedry mezinárodního (a evropského) práva v Brně a rozvoj oborů mezinárodní právo veřejné a právo EU v letech 1974-2019

Title in English Reminiscences of the Evolution of the International (and European) Law Department on Brno and the Development of the Academic Disciplines of Public International Law and EU Law during the Period from 1974 to 2019

TÝČ Vladimír

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Open access časopisu
Keywords Public International Law; EU Law; International and European Law Department; Scientific Publications; Educational Activities; Contribution to the Development of Particular Fields
Attached files
Description The aim of the study is twofold. First of all it provides a brief look at the history of the International (and European) Law Department from its establishment until present, especially as far as the composition of its staff is concerned. Second aim is to survey and evaluate of the Department's contribution to the development of fields of public international law and EU law, including a special branch of intellectual property. The field of private international law has been examined in a separate study.To be more clear the text has been divided into three parts corresponding to three time periods: the first one until 1990, the second one after until 2010 and the third one embracing recent years and current state. While the first period was marked by starting efforts and creation and building of a new department at a new faculty, the second period was characterised by an intensive development of both scientific and educational activities under new political conditions. The Department expanded the scope of its activities to the European law. In the latest period and at present intensive scientific and educational activities continue and the staffing of the Department tend to be stabilised. The conclusion of the study is that the Department contributes in a decisive manner to the development of international and European law, provides rich and valuable educational activities and consequently belongs to the top scientific and educational bodies in the Czech Republic in those fields.

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