Publication details

Proměnlivost pojmu populární kultura v prostředí britských kulturálních studií i mimo ně

Title in English The Fluidity of the Term Popular Culture in the Context of British Cultural Studies and outside of them


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Web web s pdf článku
Keywords culture,popular culture, recipient, cultural studies
Description The term popular culture has many connotations nowadays. This instability of the meaning dates back to the beginning of theorizing about the existence of more layers of a culture, such as high culture, low culture, mass culture or middle culture. Evolution, (re)interpretation or amplification of the meaning of the term of popular culture is the main theme of this paper. It begins with an introduction of confusion of the term with mass culture, then points out the meaning introduced by John Fiske and others and finishes with an idea of an amplified type of popular culture.

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