Publication details

Být pomalí jako želvy : k vědě symbiotické a pluralitní

Title in English To be slow as turtles : on science symbiotic and pluralistic


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Religio : revue pro religionistiku
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Web článek - open access
Keywords naturalism; protectionism; actor-network theory; object-oriented ontology; experimental science; Study of Religions; cognitive science; slow science
Attached files
Description In this polemical article in the field of philosophy of science, the author identifies the essential problems of the naturalistic approach as it is presented in Juraj Franek's book Naturalismus a protekcionismus ve studiu náboženství (Naturalism and Protectionism in the Study of Religions; published in Czech in 2017). Franek argues that naturalism and protectionism are two irreconcilable approaches in Religious Studies. He also advocates the primacy of naturalistic science of religion and its reductionism. The author of this article shows that it is necessary to overcome the modernist divide between nature and culture (Bruno Latour) and to place the Study of Religions on an ontologically plural basis. He adapts Isabelle Stengers' theory, according to which science has to be "slowed down" and made symbiotic by re-establishing contact with the world of values and public interest. Object-oriented ontology (Jane Bennett, Graham Harman) is discussed as well.

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