Publication details

Sexuální dysfunkce u duševních poruch

Title in English Sexual dysfunction in mental disorders


Year of publication 2019
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The publication of the Institute of Sexology of the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and the General University Hospital in Prague is intended for young doctors not only before attesting to sexology, but also for outpatient and institutional experts who want to gain an overview of sexology in routine clinical or outpatient practice. review of current diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the examination of male fertility and its treatment, in the issue of male and female sexual dysfunction, deals with transsexuality, deals with current procedures in the diagnosis of sexual paraphilia, phalopletysmographic examination or the issue of forensic sexology Sexology therapy aimed at cancer patients in urology, the view of HIV patients or gender issues is also not neglected.

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