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Pracovní schopnost a životní styl učitelů středních odborných škol

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Title in English Work ability and lifestyle of vocational upper-secondary school teachers


Year of publication 2020
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The data presented in the paper are based on a questionnaire survey within the TAČR project. 15 secondary schools took part in the research. The researched areas included the measurement of work ability and mapping of lifestyle behaviour in secondary technical school teachers. A scientifically validated research tool called the Work Ability Index (WAI) was used to assess work ability, which is used in almost 30 countries around the world. The survey confirms the negative trend of aging teachers, with the average age of the teachers involved being 50 years (± 9.9 years) and the average length in the teaching profession being 19.9 years (± 10.6 years). The results of the survey show good work ability among teachers, where the average work ability index was 40.3 points, but with increasing age, work ability decreases significantly, especially for teachers in the age group 50–59 years. The results also show that about one-fifth have an average or below-average work ability (19.7 %).
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