Publication details

Trump vs Trudeau : Articulation of National Identity on Twitter



Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Academic Journal of Modern Philology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords identity; national identity; social media; Trump; Trudeau; Twitter; discourse; political discourse
Description Studies on identity have become a prominent part of linguistic and social research recently (cf. inter alia Joseph, 2004; Wodak et al., 1999, van Dijk, 2000). While identity is, in essence, dynamic and fluid in the offline context, these characteristics are even more pronounced in the online world. This study focuses on articulation of national identity on social media, specifically Twitter. First, it touches on the issue of online identity. Second, it tackles with the discursive and other devices employed by politicians on social media platforms such as Twitter in order to negotiate national identity. Most prominently, the paper illustrates some of the points raised by presenting a juxtaposition of American and Canadian identity online as articulated by the countries’ current highest representatives, Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau respectively.
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