Publication details

Michael Stavarič: Fremdes Licht. Luchterhand, 2020. [Rezension]

Title in English Michael Stavarič: Fremdes Licht. Luchterhand, 2020. [Review]


Year of publication 2020
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The plot of the two stories is gripping. Michael Stavaric judges masterfully. In Fremdes Licht, reality meets fiction, optimism meets melancholy and life meets death. The book not only becomes, it stirs up. One longs for the Inuit's closeness to nature, frightens the inventions of the future and perceives one's environment much more intensely. After reading the book, there is no tram ride, no light bulb, yes, no more candlelight heard. The known is openly foreign and encourages reflection and discovery.

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