Publication details

El narrador infantil en Una tarde con campanas de Juan Carlos Méndez Guédez

Title in English Child Narrator in the novel Una tarde con campanas by Juan Carlos Méndez Guédez


Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The Spanish writer Juan Carlos Méndez Guédez, originally from Venezuela, deals with the topic of emigration in his novel Afternoon with Bells (Una tarde con campanas). It also deals with secondary topics that are commonly associated with immigration, such as crime, prostitution, violence, xenophobia and racism. However, the author does not try to impress or directly stir the reader in the first place, nor does he incorporate empty moralizing messages into the novel, which is often very common in connection with the issue of immigration. On the contrary, he manages to avoid all pathos and treats the theme with wit and humor, even though he is sometimes very black. The fates of the main characters are depicted from the perspective of a six-year-old child, who often does not fully understand what is really going on around him. However, the story does not lose its strength or scope at all. On the contrary, thanks to the view of the naive children's narrator, the reader can fully realize the extent of the bleak situation in which the heroes of the novel find themselves.

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