Publication details

Skloňování vybraných forem domácího vzdělávání v Česku (aneb kdo v Česku potřebuje domácí vzdělávání)

Title in English Declination of Homeschooling in the Czech Republic : Who Needs Homeschooling in Czech?


Year of publication 2020
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Attached files
Description The chapter offers a short genesis of homeschooling in the Czech Republic, as well as a short discussion about key principles of modern pedagogy, such as equity, freedom and uniformity, all from the perspective of social anthropology, ethics and philosophy. Five pillars of successful homeschooling follow, based upon the results of longitudinal study of the author among Czech homeschoolers. Last part of the text offers three homeschooling case studies.

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