Publication details

Rozvíjení personální, sociální a občanské kompetence učitelů, studentů a žáků

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Title in English The Development of Social, Personal, and Civic Competency for Teachers and Students

LESŇÁK Slavomír

Year of publication 2020
Type Editorship of scientific publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The publication follows the outcomes of the 3–year cooperation between didactics, specialists and teachers and also the conclusion of the integrated research within the project Vzdělávání 2.0. The authors reflect the understanding of the key competencies in the Czech Republic from their foundation till present. They also analyse the issues of their usage in practice. The work proposes multiple tools intended for the development of personal, social and civic competencies of students grammar schools, high schools, universities and teacher themselves (as well). These tools were invented by the collective of authors within the 3–year cooperation with grammar and high school teachers. The tools and proposals were verified directly in practice, and based on the feedback were upgrated. The publication also brings a new perception of the civic subject competence with enriches the existant vague civic key competence. Finally, the work contains the selected concepts regarding the further enhancement of developing the key competencies proposed by the pedagogical students and teachers.
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