Publication details

New findings about the arrangement of internal buildings in La Téne quadrangular enclosures in Bohemia based on the example of the site of Markvartice, East Bohemia



Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords Viereckschanzen; quadrangular enclosure; La Téne period; arrangement of buildings; geophysical survey
Description The article presents the results of geophysical prospection in the quadrangular enclosure of Markvartice, Jičín district, which was carried out in 2018. The obtained data resulted in new findings about the arrange­ment of internal buildings within sites of this kind known from the territory of Bohemia. The ascertained form of architectural arrangement of the internal space has exact analogies only in identical types of LT C2–D1 enclosures known from the territory of southern Germany. The questions of its particular form, classification possibilities and importance are discussed. The results also confirm the affiliation of the whole enclosure with La Téne sites, the so­called Viereckschanzen, which was repeatedly disputed in the past.
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