Publication details

Chia sẻ thông tin: giải pháp mới cho hoạt động quản lý và khai thác thông tin trong các cơ quan nhà nước

Title in English Information sharing: a solution for information management in public sector

NGUYEN Thi My Dieu

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Đ?i m?i t? ch?c qu?n lý va phuong th?c khai thác thông tin h? so tai li?u luu tr? th?i văn phong hi?n đ?i
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords open government, information sharing
Description Recently it has been witnessed an increase of openness, transparency, and accountability in governments around the world. Hence, information sharing among state agencies and organizations, especially local governments, is extremely necessary. If there are no strong regulations and solutions to promote information sharing among state agencies, the challenges will continue to occur and be more serious. Therefore, in this article, some opinions are aggregated from researchers around the world about factors affecting electronic information sharing among state agencies. This aims to provide local government authorities a more efficient, accurate, and timely decision-making process.

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