Publication details

Übersetzung des Unübersetzbaren. Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung von Heimito von Doderers Roman Die erleuchteten Fenster ins Serbische

Title in English Translating the Untranslatable. Remarks on the Translation of Heimito von Doderer's Novel Die erleuchteten Fenster into Serbian


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Literary translation, reception, and transfer
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Heimito von Doderer; Translation; Serbian; novel; montage; semiotics
Description Heimito von Doderer's novel Die erleuchteten Fenster (1951) is characterized not only by highly complex sentence constructions, but also by the excerpts from official documents that are inserted into the text. In 2015, translator Relja Dražić presented Osvetljeni prozori, a Serbian translation of the text. Taking Wilhelm von Humboldt's dictum that a translation should convey the "foreign" but not leave a feeling of "foreignness" as a guideline, three areas of the translation will be examined to determine whether and, if so, how the present translation has changed the text's interpretive possibilities.

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