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Když čteš, možná neztloustneš, aneb naučme se rozumět označování potravin-intervenční projekt zaměřený na označování potravin



Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords food labelling;intervention programme;students
Description The health support programme for the year 2018 called "When you read, you may not get fat or let’s learn to understand food labelling" took place from April to June 2018. The aim of the programme was to provide information on nutrition labelling to secondary school students in Brno and help them to implement the gained knowledge when choosing food. 410 students were educated. The intervention caused a statistically significant improvement in knowledge after the education. Improvements were seen in the students’ understanding of theoretical questions about food labelling, quality marks and the information on food packaging. In the questions on the frequency of reading the particulars on food packaging it was found that the students noticed nutritional values more often after the education programme to a degree which was statistically significant. There was also found to be a statistically significant increase in the frequency of students’ use of the nutritional values on food packaging when choosing food. Since the occurrence of non-communicable diseases (including obesity) is rising worldwide, preventive measures are needed. Intervention programmes appear to be an appropriate option to motivate consumers to right choose of food.

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