Publication details

Ničení kulturního dědictví islámskými extremisty v kontextu ideologie a propagandy – případ ISIS, část II.

Title in English Destruction of cultural heritage by Islamic extremists in the context of ideology and propaganda - ISIS case, part II.


Year of publication 2020
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description Article deals with the pragmatic and ideological reasons for the destruction of cultural monuments by ISIS members in Iraq. Special attention is paid to the ideology of "leviling graves to the ground" - Taswiyat al-Qubur. The targeted destruction of buildings, which can be interpreted by this theory of the Salafist interpretation of Islam, accounted for a significant part of the total number of attacks on Muslim cultural monuments, despite the fact that ISIS generally did not publicly report this action. Unlike the destruction of pre-Muslim monuments, this phenomenon has not been much reflected by the public.

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