Publication details

Czech football fans and some aspects of their declared and applied approaches



Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Keywords Aggression; participation in behavior; Questionnaire survey; Violence
Description Problem statement: Football is a collective ball game that is the most popular team sport in the world.Given the long history of spectator sports events consumption it is not a surprising fact that there have also been serious manifestations of spectator aggression. Objective: The purpose of the study was to examine the behavior of selected Czech football fans (violence and hostility, especially). Methods: The data were collected in a questionnaire survey carried out in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. The sample included 462 participants, aged 26.29 ± 10.19 years (men 26.67 ± 10.20 years, women 25.05 ± 10.14 years). The declared approaches to some followed expressions (whistling, booing, vulgar chants in the stand, firing pyrotechnics, etc.) were compared to the rate of their active experience in the same kind of behavior. For the evaluation Correlation Matrices, Cluster Analysis, and Correspondence Analysis were applied. Results: Within Correlation Matrices based on 7 versus 7 (opinion versus experience), 22 statistically significant items were found. The highest scores were seen in the cases of racism (0.43), firing pyrotechnics (0.32), and vulgar chants (0.28). Within Correspondence Analysis three main issues were identified. Vulgar chants displayed 2 major clusters: 1Opinion/1Experience (Rate 1 in Opinion versus Rate 1 Experience) and 3Opinion/3Experience. Firing of pyrotechnics displays 1 major cluster: 3–4–5Opinion/4Experience.The expressions of racism included 1 major cluster: 4– 5Opinion/4Experience result. Within the discussion, we tried to describe and explain some concrete cases in which the contradictions between the declared and applied approaches are remarkable. We state there are several limitations in this paper, too. The research cannot be generalized as it was merely interested in a professional football club in Czechia. We believe that a comparison with other countries would be desirable.

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