Publication details

Automatic Detection of Pneumonia in Chest X-Rays using Lobe Deep Residual Network


KVAK Daniel KVAKOVÁ Karolína

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical (without peer review)
Description One of the critical tools for early detection and subsequent evaluation of the incidence of lung diseases is chest radiography. At a time when the speed and reliability of results, especially for COVID-19 positive patients, is important, the development of applications that would facilitate the work of untrained staff involved in the evaluation is also crucial. Our model takes the form of a simple and intuitive application, into which you only need to upload X-rays: tens or hundreds at once. In just a few seconds, the physician will determine the patient's diagnosis, including the percentage accuracy of the estimate. While the original idea was a mere binary classifier that could tell if a patient was suffering from pneumonia or not, in this paper we present a model that distinguishes between a bacterial disease, a viral infection, or a finding caused by COVID-19. The aim of this research is to demonstrate whether pneumonia can be detected or even spatially localized using a uniform, supervised classification.

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