Publication details

Natalie Perkof



Year of publication 2021
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The art-historical study summarising the work of Natalie Perkof, a painter and designer with Czech-Ghanaian roots, whose work has long been concerned with the theme of human identity in the contemporary world. Her large-scale paintings stand out for their extraordinary sensitivity. She creates a fragile pictorial world in which she renders the beauty of small everyday experiences, banal situations and interpersonal relationships. Her work combines a reflection of traditional figurative painting with a strong reduction of form and an emphasis on the emotional impact of vibrant colours and various material structures. Her use of unusual materials, in recent years especially carbon fibre or wood veneers, is typical of her work, often making the pictorial surface stand out significantly in space. In addition to painting, Perkof also works with objects, photography, site-specific installations, graphic design and architectural realisations.

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