Publication details

Rakousko-uherské vyrovnání a několik českých kulturních reakcí



Year of publication 2021
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The author analyzes the two Czech direct or indirect cultural reactions to the Austro-Hungarian compromise of 1867 connected with the Czech playing with the Russian or Slavonic card. On the one hand, there are the translations of K. J. Erben from the old literature of East Slavs (Old Russian literature) one of which became the indirect part of the Czech „pilgrimage“ to Russia in 1867, on the other, there is an anthology of Slavonic poetry edited by the Brno typesetter and polyhistor František Vymazal. The continuation is represented by the history of Russian literature by A. A. Vrzal (A. G. Stin) and the Russian circles going back to the beginning of the 20th century. The author connects these thematic spheres with the conception of Central Europe and, generally speaking, with the polity (constitutional system) in general.

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