Publication details

Corruption, Campaigning, and Novelty : The 2020 Parliamentary Elections and the Evolving Patterns of Party Politics in Slovakia



Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source East European Politics and Society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Web article - open access
Keywords party politics; elections; campaigning; Slovakia; new parties
Attached files
Description Drawing on data from a specially commissioned survey, we find that the success of Ordinary People and Independent Personalities (OĽaNO) led by Igor Matovič in the 2020 parliamentary elections in Slovakia owed much to the crafting of an anti-corruption appeal combined with an effective campaign. Both mobilization and conversion of voters, particularly through television and the leaders’ debates, in the months leading up to election day ensured OĽaNO won a quarter of the vote. OĽaNO stands in stark contrast to other parties whose leaders failed to craft as effective a message, miscalculated the impact of electoral rules and in some cases were unable to distance themselves enough from their past actions. The success of OĽaNO underlines that themes related to anti-corruption and good governance have become central to party politics and political contestation. More broadly, the election and its aftermath continued a general trend of forward movement of voters from old parties to new to newer still, indicating the churn of party politics in Slovakia is likely to continue.
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