Publication details

Horse Assisted Education („Učení s asistencí koní“) a jeho potenciál v oblasti pedagogiky a environmentální výchovy

Title in English Horse Assisted Education and its potential in the field of pedagogy and environmental education


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Envigogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords education; horses; animals; pedagogy; Horse Assisted Education;
Attached files
Description he present text has the ambition to introduce the reader to a more general level of the current of educational and training activities referred to as Horse Assisted Education. The text is an attempt to present the possibility of how the HAE (Horse Assisted Education) method can be reflected in pedagogy and how to introduce it into children's school and leisure practice. The author of the text sees the potential of HAE in the field of environmental education. This stream can be integrated into a wide range of experiential pedagogy methods and approaches using animal programs to support the development of science and environmental literacy as well as personal development.
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