Publication details

Volby do říšské rady ve všeobecné kurii na Brněnsku v letech 1897 a 1901

Title in English The Elections to the Austrian Imperial Council in the fifth curia in Brno and surroundings in years 1897 and 1901


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Habsburg monarchy; Imperial council; elections; general curia; Brno region; Brno city; parliamentarism; Josef Hybeš; František Adamíra; František Müller
Description Based on accessible sources this study provides an analysis and comparation of two elections for the general curia to Imperial council. These elections took place in Brno region in 1897 and 1901. This paper also contains the election strategies and advertising campaigns of the individual political subjects and it presents the final results of the elections as well.
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