Publication details

K naléhavému právnímu zájmu opomenutého podílového spoluvlastníka na určení neúčinnosti rozhodnutí většinového spoluvlastníka v záležitosti nikoliv neodkladné

Title in English On the urgent legal interest of the omitted co-owner in the determination of the ineffectiveness of a decision of the major co-owners in a matter not of a critical nature


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bulletin advokacie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Open access časopisu
Keywords co-ownership; major co-owner; property law; Civil Code
Description The paper deals with the legal interest of the omitted co-owner in the determination of the ineffectiveness of a decision of the major co-owners in a matter not of an urgent nature

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