Publication details

Culturally Responsive Teaching for Learner Diversity in Czech Schools: A Literature Review


KALU Ntite Orji KUROWSKI Martina

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source European Journal of Education and Pedagogy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Cultural Competence; Culturally Responsive Teaching; Czech Schools; Diversity; Inclusive Education; Learners
Description Until recently, the Czech Republic had an educational system dominated by indigenous people, who accounted for 95% of the school population. With the increasing influx of migrants and foreign students especially from outside the European Union, came a great disparity among the quality of learners and their learning needs, and consideration for the challenges associated with being a minority and living within a foreign culture. This prompted research into ways of adapting the education system to the increasing demands of the learning styles and needs of diverse pupils in Czech classrooms. This article presents a survey study of current scholarly sources on this topic. This study examines the system of compulsory education in the Czech Republic and the position and responsibility of the teacher in promoting a culturally responsive and inclusive learning environment. The study relies on descriptive and content analysis. Recommendations are made to stakeholders on how to bring more culturally sensitive approaches into the classroom to enhance the cultural and social integration of all pupils.

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