Publication details

Jak podpořit vícejazyčnost (nejen) u dětí

Title in English How to support multilingualism (not only) in children


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník Asociace učitelů češtiny jako cizího jazyka 2020
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Citation DOLEŽÍ, Linda. Jak podpořit vícejazyčnost (nejen) u dětí (How to support multilingualism (not only) in children). In Suchomelová, Lenka. Sborník Asociace učitelů češtiny jako cizího jazyka 2020. Praha: Asociace učitelů češtiny jako cizího jazyka, 2021, p. 97-102. ISBN 978-80-7470-343-0.
Keywords multilingualism; children; Czech as a second/foreign language
Description In my paper I pay attention to options concerning multilingualism support in children. I focus on various factors (such as age, context of acquisition and emotions) and their impact not only on language acquisition but also its maintenance and language attrition. I introduce happylingual approach (Yates and Terraschke, 2013) and I stress the importance of percieving and respecting the uniqueness of the linguistic situations of multilinguals.

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