Publication details

Sexismus v reklamě jako diskriminace a nekalá soutěž

Title in English Sexism in advertising as discrimination and unfair competition


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Soukromé právo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Keywords advertising; sexism; unfair competition
Attached files
Description Sexism in advertising has not gone unnoticed by the authorities, which in a few cases a year impose sanctions for advertising they find contrary to good morals, and this year the legality of sanctioning the typical manifestation of sexism in advertising was confirmed by the Supreme Administrative Court. This decision also resonated with the Czech public in hindsight, as it first sparked an unusually massive amount of follower activity on the Supreme Administrative Court's Twitter feed in terms of the number of discussion posts, shares and likes. Reactions to the judgment continued to flow through the media. In addition to informative articles, commentaries were published in a wide range of print and online magazines, from the lifestyle magazine Heroine to the weekly Respekt to Reflex, which is at the opposite pole of opinion in this respect.

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