Publication details

Vznik a vývoj apokalyptického a post-apokalyptického narativu

Title in English The origin and development of the apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic narrative


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The beginnings of the portrayal of the apocalypse in literature can already be found in mythological texts or in the Bible. A few centuries later, the image of the apocalypse was transformed into dystopian texts were the beginnings of science fiction. Post-apocalyptic science fiction is a popular genre these days, and it's on the rise. The apocalypse has always been, is, and I suppose will continue to be in literature. Related to this is the age-old human desire for completeness, the whole, and the need to express the importance of life in relation to time.
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